The 25th Carlisle Scout Group have been busy again assisting with wildlife management and habitat encouragement at the new Carlisle Healthcare South Hub.
After building 20 birdboxes last year that have now been positioned around the site, the 25th Group spent a sunny evening scatering wildflower seed mix around the site to encourage pollinators and increase biodiversity.
We learned about the benefits of increased biodiversity and the important role that the wildflower meadow will play to wide array of species that will be making a home on the site. Wildflowers provide bees, butterflies and other pollinators with food and create a rich habitat where plant diversity attracts other small mammals and birds. Small insects and inverterbrates provide food for larger animals in the ecosystem.
Future involvement with the Scouts will include ongoing monitoring of bird box use and building habitat piles/bug hotels to encourage even more wildlife to the site.